Debate…….If i found $100

I think you should take the wad of money and do something for yourself.Convince yourself into taking it.You could take your family out to a decent dinner.Or you could buy yourself a toy or a bike or something like that

One thought on “Debate…….If i found $100

  1. Huntman,
    Found $$$$… Ok, Here is your first lesson about your future and your money. First I would make sure I have $$ in my Savings Account and $$ in my Bank Account and than make sure if ALL my Bills are paid. Than, I would put HALF of the found $$ in my Savings Account. Than I would spend it on what WE NEEDED NOT what we WANTED. Pros and cons list. It’s time to plan for your future Huntman. You need to start saving now for your future. If your Pros list and Cons list will decide what you need to do with the other half of the found $$. In your case I would start up a Saving Account now and start saving you are old enough too. Mama and Daddy can do that for you. But, you know Aunt Nannie and Daddo SAVE, SAVE, SAVE. Spend ONLY if you have to. Look into the Future.
    Love You Hunter,
    Aunt Nannie

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